This website is being updated as part of my UX/UI journey. Please click on “Portfolio”.
*Projects sorted by my own volition. You may consider them to fit under another category.
a Student, Leader, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
I take on many roles in my life and I am thankful to say that each relationship I have inspires me.
As a student I am studying strategic communications (advertising focus). I have also delved into French, biology and nutrition. All of this boils down to my view that all beings are incredibly intriguing - in the way they speak, behave, and interact.
My work reflects this. I’ll tackle all of the projects I’m assigned with a determination I’d often associate with my cat looking for chicken. I want to learn how others think and how I can speak their language.
What I’m looking for:
Challenge. I want to work on food and drink brands more than anything, and those markets are packed with competition (pun intended).
Collaboration. If I can’t work alongside other thoughts and opinions, I won’t feel inspired. Deep conversations are preferred as are “popcorning” ideas.